
12th ASK 14 Meeting, Laucha 2020




The 12th ASK14 meeting took place from 4th to 6th September 2020 at the gliderport of Laucha (near Leipzig). Six ASK14 have travelled to the meeting which was at short notice. Due to Covid 19 the meeting in Lithuania had to be cancelled and Laucha was chosen to substitude. The meeting was organized by Markus Jakubiec supported by the „Haus der Luftsportjugend“ - HDL in Laucha.


The first participants already arrived on Thursday and were able to make the first flights on Friday. On Saturday the weather did not allow any flying activities. This day was used for some hiking, excursions and technical discussions. After dinner, Gerhard Kresse entertained the participants with a lecture about the history of the famous gliderport of Laucha. His speech was illustrated by many pictures and movies from his big archiv, accompanied by a wine tasting. Thank you - we all really enjoyed it!
On Sunday the weather was great again enabling some nice flights above the area of the „Unstrut“ (river valley). Many thanks to Markus Jakubiec. Due to his commitment it became possible to have this ASK14 meeting at short notice this year.


Fotos: Klaus Peter Gies


































































